I haven't had much time lately to read some of my favorite blogs, but while Gwen is napping, I decided to take a few minutes to browse a few of my faves.
ugh....is all I can say. Two of my "favorites" have become so bogged down with advertisements on the sides of there blogs that I no longer care to read them. Also, one has simply started pulling stuff they like from other blogs. She use to do her own posts and projects, now she has "guest hosts" and pulls stuff from other blogs she thinks is neat. Guess what. I read many of those other blogs too! And since they are using original material and hosting their own posts, I will no longer read your blog. So there. Thanks for being lame. Oh, and good luck with your new billboard business, since that's what you've become. A billboard blog.
(PS. two new posts in a day, no wait, and hour??!!...I know. see below)