Ah the 80's........the toys...they were so cool! So, with that said...the following is a list of Queen to 1's 80's faves:
(bad photo)
Girl Talk board game - easily one of my favorites, although I don't remember playing the game much with friends. I just loved the telephone it came with - ooh, and the red "zit" stickers! AWESOME!
Keypers - I always called them secret keepers. I had the purple snail. I LOVED this toy! I kept the strangest things in mine. Bits of ribbon, Bazooka comics, a few choice NKOTB trading cards (if you don't know what NKOTB stands for, stop reading..right now...and go away!) and of course, the funny little ??gopher??? never was sure what that little guy was.
Cabbage Patch Dolls - WHY did my parents torture me with this doll? My little brother has red hair, and for some twisted reason, the only dolls my parents ever bought me...had RED hair! My first, and only Cabbage Patch Doll had red corn silk hair. It was curly in front and long in back (hybrid mullet?!) She's actually in the picture shown above. Back row, left. I never had the "yarn head" dolls. I also remember having matching pajamas for me and my Cabbage Patch Doll. Not to mention my totally rad high chair